We can accept any toxic story ... no matter if we can leave it or not ... as long as we understand that beyond all there is a karmic message   by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





Being near toxic people is most certainly ... not what many think it is.

In fact .... might even be ... a good thing for our evolution.

I mean ... mental and spiritual evolution.

Unfortunately ... it is very difficult to handle the relationship with all those people.

Accept them ... and understand their meaning on the stage of our lives.

Today ... i somehow trend to believe that toxic means ... mainly karmic.

I hate to see ... those people.

... knowing in fact ... that most certainly they will torture me.

Of course... mainly mentally.

But .... I do all my best to see them ... as important for my evolution.

I also know .... I don't really have a choice.

No ...

I know it is not optional.



I know the meaning of life is to experience lots of stories.

... karmic stories.

And those karmic scenarios have their .... karmic actors.

I hate them too .... but ...

So ... i try to smile in front of anyone and anything looks toxic.

I try ...

I don't always succeed ... but i try.

In fact ... knowing that when I'll understand the whole meaning of the karmic message ... all will suddenly stop... i even try to convince myself that i need all those karmic stories.

And instead of calling them ... ugly ... toxic stories ... i've started to use the expression ... karmic charade.


Most probably... there are people who are so, so evolved emotionally, mentally and spiritually that they can experience all ... as meditation.

But it is not my case.

I am still an idiot ... like many, many others ...


So ... i look around myself ... and i continue seeing all those annoying toxic people ... and can't stop my hate towards them ...

... just living with the hope that one day ... my life will change.

... into better.

Unfortunately ...


Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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